Youth Mental Health: The Core of the Issue

Youth Mental Health: The Core of the Issue

Original air date: June 1, 2024

Youth Mental Health: The Core of the Issue

BY: Dr. Elaina George, Host & Contributing Health Editor
PUBLISHED: June 1, 2024

Youth Mental Health in an Unhealthy Situation

Lynne Taylor, educational researcher and consultant, writer, and speaker known as The Common Core Diva, re-joins Dr. George to discuss the creation of the youth mental health core and how that will affect society.

The Colorado announcement:

The CDC study referred to in an education media article:

VA’s announcement for the upcoming 2025 release of YMHC:

HOW this ties to gov’t directed wrap around (school based) health:

About Lynne Taylor

Youth Mental Health: The Core of the Issue

Lynne Taylor has been the Common Core and National Standards in education warrior since 2009. She is a recognized speaker, author, researcher, and podcaster who brings truth with a smile and a jar of applesauce! Be sure to watch her new TV show on Catching Fire News and listen to her Liberty Belles on Rumble. Like Common Core Diva on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter for more updates and insight from a passionate advocate for youth and all humanity.

[The Liberty Belles – Rumble][Common Core Diva – Website] [Like Common Core Diva – Facebook] [Follow Lynne Taylor – Twitter]

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Dr. Elaina George is a Board Certified Otolaryngologist. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Biology, received her Master’s degree in Medical Microbiology from Long Island University, and received her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.