Ernest Hancock, Host

Ernest Hancock is the Publisher of Freedom’s Phoenix website, “Uncovering the Secrets & Exposing the Lies”. He is also the Publisher of the Freedom’s Phoenix eZine, annual host of the Freedom Summit in Phoenix, Arizona. Ernest strives to create an understanding of the philosophy of Liberty. To Ernest, understanding is far more important than agreement, which in his estimation will blossom organically in its own time and on its own schedule.

About Declare Your Independence with
Ernest Hancock

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock broadcasts LIVE from the beautiful studios in sunny Phoenix, Arizona. Declare Your Independence focuses on providing compelling long-form conversations to listeners via guests who detail how they operate outside of the system,  as well as showcasing bleeding edge technological developments, which help afford individuals the ability to disconnect from the federal control grid.

“There are two types of people in the world,… Those who wish to be left alone and those who just won’t leave them alone. What type are you?”


Ernest Hancock host on Liberty Talk FM
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Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock airs LIVE Monday through Friday from 9am to 12m Eastern Time.