Is There a Way to a Viable Economic Future?

Is There a Way to a Viable Economic Future? - Medicine on Call
As society argues about fair wages the economy is starting to crack. Today Larry Horist joins Dr. George to discuss fair wages & societal divisions.Original air date: March 09, 2019

Dr. Elaina George on Liberty Talk FM - Image Rotator Photo

BY: Dr. Elaina George, Host & Contributing Health Editor
PUBLISHED: March 09, 2019

Is Society Falling Apart?

Mr. Larry Horist, an economist, an author, and a public policy expert joins me to discuss the question of whether the minimum wage and income equality are what is happening at Whole foods the way to a viable economic future? We also discuss the question about the fact that our society is at a crossroads where we need to decide whether to highlight what brings us together or continue to fall in the trap of envy, hate, and division. 


About Larry Horist

Larry Horist

Mr. Larry Horist, an economist, an author, and a public policy expert. Larry was the President at Thomas and Joyce specializes in strategic problem solving; crises management; corporate startup and structuring; public policy development; government relations; marketing; association management and political campaign management.

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Dr. Elaina George is a Board Certified Otolaryngologist. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Biology, received her Master’s degree in Medical Microbiology from Long Island University, and received her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.