Liberty in North Korea

Liberty in North Korea - The Blue Repulican

PHOTO CREDIT:  Brian K. Pritchard, Fetch Your News.

Original air date: April 16, 2016

Robin Koerner the Blue Republican on Liberty Talk FM - Image Rotator Photo

BY: Robin Koerner, Host
PUBLISHED: April 16, 2016


Millennials be Careful what You Wish for, when it comes to Statism.

The hope for North Koreans does not lie in pressure from outside… but from the attitude of young North Koreans who see that the only thing that fills their stomach is the black market, selling products from across the Chinese border. Unlike their parents, Millennials have never experienced anything other than complete failure of the state – so the brainwashing about the land of milk and honey simply doesn’t work the same way… And then there are the smuggled videos and USBs that carry images and TV shows from the rest of the world that simply reinforce what many young North Koreans are starting to work out for themselves.

We discuss what it takes for a defector to get out of the country, and the impact of Chinese policy thereon. Ty raises money to fund defections by brave citizens of the hermit kingdom, and he has a thorough knowledge of the experiences of the North Korean people who try to survive under Statism on steroids…

About Ty Hicks

Ty Hicks PhotographTy Hicks is an employee of Young Americans for Liberty, with a passion for the plight of North Koreans, who live under the world’s worst tyranny. In this fascinating discussion, we learn about the nature and effectiveness of the mass brainwashing by the Kim regime, the surveillance state in which everyone is both perpetrator and victim, the associated “self-criticism sessions”… but also the causes for hope.

[Help North Koreans – Here][Read more about Ty – Here] 

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Robin Koerner is British-born, and recently became a citizen of the USA. A decade ago, he founded, an organization of over 200 volunteers that translates and posts in English views about the USA from all over the world. Robin may be best known for having coined the term “Blue Republican” to refer to liberals and independents who joined the GOP to support Ron Paul’s bid for the presidency in 2012/12
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