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Seed Nutrition, is it the Medicine of the Future?

Seed Nutrition, is it the Medicine of the Future? - Medicine on Call
Because the cost of healthcare has gone up, it is leaving many to preventative measures using diet. Today Dr. Weeks joins Dr. George to discuss Seed Nutrition.Original air date: February 09, 2019

Dr. Elaina George on Liberty Talk FM - Image Rotator Photo

BY: Dr. Elaina George, Host & Contributing Health Editor
PUBLISHED: February 09, 2019

Diet Change May be the Answer 

Dr. Bradford Weeks joins me to discuss the future of medicine. Instead of treating the symptoms, he introduces the novel use of seed nutrition to treat auto-immune disease, diabetes, arthritis, obesity and inflammation based chronic diseases such as fibromyalgia. 


About Dr. Bradford Weeks

 Dr. Bradford Weeks Photograph

Dr. Weeks completed undergraduate studies at Dartmouth College (major: Political Philosophy) then, prior to medical school training at the University of Vermont, Dr. Weeks worked in the Harvard system doing two years of research at Massachusetts General Hospital’s mineral metabolism unit working on osteoporosis (calcium, magnesium and vitamin D). In addition, he studied nutrition (including macrobiotics with Mishio Kushi in Brookline, MA), acupuncture, massage (shiatsu), music therapy (Tomatis method, power of chant), Anthroposophical medicine and classical homeopathy. Medical school at the University of Vermont was followed by medical internship (1 year) and psychiatric residency at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (3 years). He is a specialist in psychiatry and developed the field of “corrective medicine and psychiatry”.

[Find Dr. Weeks Website – Here]

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Dr. Elaina George is a Board Certified Otolaryngologist. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Biology, received her Master’s degree in Medical Microbiology from Long Island University, and received her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.